"If the election is lost, then it is no concern to me if the Tories perish in it. I still would not shed a single tear for them because they did not deserve any better."With apologies to Adolf Hitler.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
As Hitler never said...
Posted by Peter at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 06, 2007
"Shocked and distressed"
"shocked and distressed"
Me too. Need I say more?
Posted by Peter at 9:56 AM 0 comments
A consensual tone
Gordon Brown says we need a consensual tone. How about "Fuck the lot of em". That's the general consensus among everyone in the real world.
Have a read of this...
Pussyfooting Around The Terrorists
"In responding to Smith's words, Tory backbencher Philip Davies wondered, "What purpose is served by this? I don't think we need pussyfoot around when talking about terrorism." As one reader asked on the Daily Express' Web site, "Well, if they aren't Muslims, what the hell are they? They sure aren't Methodists or Quakers."
Posted by Peter at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I suppose I should say something
Anyone can feel trapped and inert. Everyone feels it now and again.
Left for long enough it turns into a silent bubbling rage.
We all sometimes get so enraged we want to go to war or strike a blow for justice.
Right now I have an alarming urge to go and take a sledge hammer to any number of speed cameras and would happily apply military grade explosives to the windmills on Ogden moor.
But I don't. Because I probably would get caught and slung in prison or would probably accidentally kill myself or someone else. So I vent my anger by the use of words on this and other blogs instead. I do it to seek out others who feel my pain, people who can relate in the hope that if I'm not alone then together we can do something about it all.
I've been at this point a few times in my life. I've tested the water with the Tories, UKIP and now the BNP. The less effective I feel the more into the extreme I go.
And there's your answer. That's your terrorists. How ineffective must these losers be to resort to murder and suicide?
Our latest batch of terrorists have all been well educated with plenty of opportunities so what could they possibly be griping about?
Possibly because being different in the UK is intolerable. I know I'm different to the herd and I know how lonely and frustrating it can be. No amount of success in my career ever compensates for the lack of connection I feel with society.
I was brought up to believe in democracy and liberty and yet no matter how hard I search I find none. Having been exposed to the daily Telegraph in my formative years I only see surveillance, nitpicking officials, taxation and the nanny state. All things anathema to my ideals.
Whats worse is the society I live in acknowledges it but doesn't mind enough to do anything about it.
There are times when even I'm pulling the imaginary ripcord.
If it's that bad for me, imagine what its like for a young professional with everything you could wish for but still be shackled by your heritage and religious dogma in this land of freedom and opportunity?
So then. On reflection I have a lot in common with Johnny Jihad. So why am I not pulling the ripcord?
Anyone can tell you, when you're single minded in your dedication to a cause, all normal social functioning in a person goes to pot completely. I'm a blogger. I know this first hand.
Blogging is in its own way a jihad. I have seen how devotion to the cause of liberty and freedom can wreck relationships, put strain on employers who have every reason to sack their obsessive employees and eventually starts corroding your mental health.
It's an unstoppable compulsion to bring people to your cause by any means available. But within that obsession you're working to a certain doctrine. Mine being the fundamental rights of British citizens in a democratic state. That means I respect other peoples right to live.
Apply that same single mindedness to people and give them the doctrine of Islam where smiting the unbeliever is the only way one can be considered a good Muslim and you have some very dangerous people.
I'm told this isn't Islam at work but the criminal acts of individuals. I really would love to believe that. That way I could go about my day and be sure the police would treat it just like any other crime and there was no threat to our way of life.
But really folks the reality is there for all to see. We have a big problem with extremists trying to blow things up and they're all nosing in the same trough. Islam.
If it were the lack of economic opportunity then chavs would be blowing themselves up. If it were persecution of kinfolk we'd have suicide bombs just about everywhere carried out by just about every faith. Twist it anyway you like, and by god I have tired because I hate being called a racist, your underlying problem is Islam.
How you fix that is no small task.
The first obstacle is our governments pigheaded refusal to call it out. Understandable too. The last thing we need to be seen to do is single out a faith for scrutiny because thats what the Nazis did. But that is exactly what we must do. I do not advocate persecution and murder but we have to have our people in every mosque to make sure the message of hate and oppression does has no platform. If we must have Islam in this country we must put it in its place and force it to comply.
The only reason we have not done this up to press is because of the reaction from our media.
Like so many things we are held hostage by our media. They pretend to be the voice of the people and the politicians buy it. They are slaves to the media just as much as we are. We can no longer communicate with our political establishment through the newspapers.
This is where you come in. Start a blog. One person reading you is one person less relying on the daily hype in the verminous, trashy newspapers for information.
Thanks to the media we are about to lose the war in Iraq. We may also lose in Afghanistan. We have to destroy them before they stop us winning the war that really counts. The war on Islam on our own soil.
Nothing our politicians do will appease the media and nothing we do will appease Islamists. Therefore we have to kill them both.
Posted by Peter at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
BNP misses the point
The official BNP website gushes with praise for the metric martyrs.
It may be a victory of sorts but it is still the EU making choices for us and kindly granting us permission to run our country the way we see fit. Probably so it can keep up the pretense that it is democratic.
”We have stood toe to toe with the Government and the EU and won and shown others that you can stop the tide of EU legislation.”
Pissing into a gale force wind I'm afraid.
Posted by Peter at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Straw Poll.
According to readers of the Halifax Evening Courier (That well known and respected media outlet), Gordon Brown will make a fucking awful prime minister.
Will Gordon Brown make a better Prime Minister than Tony Blair?
That's because, unlike the wankers inside the M25 rushing to buy rooftop wind turbines who think the sky is falling in, us simple Yorkshire folk are more concerned with paying the bills. Something Gordons theft has not made easy in the last ten years.
Looking on the bright side... At least he won't be Chancellor for very long. Or Prime Minister for that matter.
The bad news is... Camoron.
Posted by Peter at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Poles Apart
Don't know how true this is. Sounds feasible. This was one of the comments left on an earlier article.
The difference between Poland and here: If you are prepared to work every hour God sends as a shelf stacker here and save every penny you can then after two or three years you could buy a house/flat outright in Poland. Thats a powerful incentive. A Brit working at the same job would have to work flat out for about 10 years to buy the cheapest housing round here.Probably true. So the answer to re-motivating our youth with a work ethic is to take steps to make home ownership a realistic prospect.
Aside from a dramatic reduction in income tax and VAT, My first guess on that score would be to reduce demand. I wonder how that might be achieved? Answers on a postcard please.
Posted by Peter at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Peace? Forget it.
A grim but not entirely surprising article in Haaretz, a left-wing Israeli newspaper.
"For several weeks now the Gaza Strip has been burning. This is not a matter of fighting between Hamas and Fatah activists or actions by the Israel Defense Forces, but battles between armed groups that for the most part are identified with large clans. Nearly every day for the past two weeks ,men, women and children have been killed in Gaza. Every day civilians are being wounded by deliberate or stray gunfire, the result of the unrestrained use of weapons. The number of armed men in the Gaza Strip, according to various estimates, is greater than 100,000."All Israels fault of course. [/sarcasm]
No matter how much aid we pump into the region it will remain the same. Why? Because Arabs (and Iran) would prefer it that way and will do everything to make sure it stays so. Nothing like victim status to rile up the jihadis.
Posted by Peter at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Old News
Old news but just a little reminder of how culturally enriched the North of England is.
Notice how they said "Asian community" when they mean Muslim.
They did that in the Panorama episode (see last entry). "British Pakistanis are 13 times more likely to have children with genetic disorders than the general population."
And yet the lefty wankers want me to believe that the degeneration in our inner cities is because of poverty and not culture. No really!!!
Sorry but give them billions of dollars and they're still hateful barbarians. (See Gaza Strip)
Oh sorry I was claiming I wasn't a racist earlier. Silly me.
Never mind. What I meant to say is that I won't judge people on the colour of their skin. In that they have no choice. It's open season on everything else though.
Posted by Peter at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Britain's growing ethnic division
The BBC is occasionally capable of extracting its head out of its politically correct arse.
While you will have to forgive the utterly feeble social science experiment they try with taxis you would be well advised to watch this bit of tabloid TV.
The accompanying article is here.
The lefties will deny that Muslims can't integrate. Maybe they're right. Muslims can integrate. But as we can see... They won't.
I have said time and again there is no clash of cultures. There are merely co-existing cultures. One expanding, the other shrinking. There may be minor clashes when the odd gang of asian thugs fancies a bit of car burning like their French partners in crime but by and large each culture just ignores the other as best they can.
The ordinary townsfolk of the North of England never asked to be Islamized and never wanted to be driven by from their homes by an alien culture. Where is the democracy in that? (BTW, don't give me any of that shit about "palestinians")
Thirty years later we now have a culture in our midst where honour killings, female genital mutilation, stoning of women (white women in the case of Burnley), wife beating, inter marrying/breeding, forced marriage, hanging of gays, subordination of women, suppression of free speech, suicide bombing, intimidation and celebration of terrorism is not only permitted but encouraged.
From Burnley to Basra to Bangladesh.
I will provide evidence if you care to challenge me.
And yet while most people find this 7th century behavior repugnant there are those so shrill in calling me a racist who allegedly hold "progressive values" to whom none of this matters. Why? because they hate their own nation more. Stupid cunts.
These liberal cunts who quick as a flash condemn with utter spite our Christian values (which are at the very heart of their western "liberal" values) don't seem to mind importing a culture
A culture that doesn't/can't/won't integrate. Can't/won't speak the language, can't fit in and deliberately set themselves apart.
I'm sick of hearing how we are culturally enriched by it. These cunts who wave in the policy never have to suffer the eyesore that is an Islamic ghetto and will, being safe in their leafy suburbs, never pay the price in blood when British people say enough is enough.
Posted by Peter at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Why the BNP you ask?
When I think of ten years of Tony Blair, I don't think of a strong leader. I don't even think of Iraq.I remember how he capitulated to the EU on Foot and Mouth, wrecking our farming industry and causing scores of farmers to commit suicide. I think of the billions of money poured into the dysfunctional NHS that we still have to pay for when we need treatment. I think of my friends mother who was forced to sell her home for care while those who had done nothing to secure their future received the same for free.
I think of the EU rebate we lost. I think of all the extra tax I'm paying to subsidize chavs while their jobs are taken up by European immigrants. I remember ministers at the dispatch box telling us how much they'd like to do something for us but Brussels won't allow it. I remember us going to the unelected UN (Russia and China) to ask permission to fight terrorism.
I think of the lamentable state our education system and how Blairs social engineering project fucked up the university system.
I recall our defence establishment being sold off so that we can't defend ourselves unless our European partners agree to it. I think of national asset stripping in ways Maggie would never have dreamed of.
I think of our once mighty air force shattered to pay for more welfare. I think of a slashed back, under equipped army incapable of defending itself. I think of billions wasted on Euro defence contracts.
I think of cornerstones of British history and heritage whitewashed for political correctness.
I think of how parliament has been turned into a sideshow that even MP's don't take seriously anymore. I think of spin and media management.
I think of an expensive bloated public sector which we increasingly pay more for less, where there is no incentive to do better.
I think of an incompetent home office that has no idea what sort of scum is being let out onto our streets.
I think of terrorists being given a British passport to avoid breaching their human rights.
I think of a government that has remained silent and pacified while radical Islam festers among us.
I think of civil liberties disappearing down the drain. I think of camera surveillance and intrusive information gathering.
I think of capitulation to thugs in Northern Ireland. I think of corruption and greed.
I think of total surrender and a total dissolution of Great Britain.
Cameron thinks the only way to win is to be like Blair. Brown will continue is theft and squander routine until we get Cameron and the Lib dems will be their usual pathetic non commited selves who will go whichever the wind blows to grab a few more seats.
I see nothing on the menu offering radical overhaul of politics. Just more of the same lies and spin.
So why vote for the evil nasty BNP huh? It's the only party they're afraid of. And thats how governments should be. Afraid of the electorate. You think Cameron is squitting in his knickers about UKIP? You think Labour gives a shit about the Respect party? No. The one they're terrified of most is the BNP because they know the BNP is saying what ordinary Brits are thinking but dare not say.
And while a noisy and shrill minority beat us into silence with their labels of racism and bigotry we are all still resolved to take our country back one way or the other.
Democracy is failing because of the media circus parliament has turned into. It is void of substance and philosophy and all they know is how to surrender and how to steal.
Not one of them has the spine to put Britain first.
I find it an odd situation where, discounting the BNP, I'd rather have Blair in power than anything else on offer.
I'm no racist. I hold progressive values and I will aggressively defend them against a xenophobic 7th century deathcult. While my society gets things wrong I will never sell them out if it means handing our country over to atone for our sins.
Brown will. Cameron will. Leftist moonbats will. I won't.
If that makes me a Nazi then ZEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!
Es ist zeit fur rache! Wir mussen die left wing ausrotten!
Posted by Peter at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
No. No. No.
Amnesty demanded for 500,000 immigrants
Not going to crap my pants over this one like the Maily Telegraph though. No government in this climate would be stupid enough to do it. Would they?
However I do agree with one of the protesters... No Fronteras. They're shit off road and they clog up country lanes.
Posted by Peter at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Apathy wins
I'm not going to spin the election results. They were crap. Unlike last time the media has conspired to silence the BNP, aided by some distasteful trade union movements and the politically correct wank drivel that is Searchlight. Not that the latter was successful. If I was in any doubt who I was going to vote for, that leaflet would have made me vote BNP.
I happened to come across the Searchlight leaflet. If Alan Sugar is concerned about anti-semitism he should get with us. The only party who has woken up to the threat of Islam. As for that faceless TV presenter (who she?) exalting the benefits of multicultural Yorkshire, my bet is that she hasn't ever driven through Harehills. A Bangladeshi colony which is nothing short of squalid. One of these fucktards who thinks the odd good curry house is worth smashing the country for.
These people can fuck right off. These people and their mosques ARE a blight on the land. Searchlight offers the slogan "Hope not Hate" All I see is a contempt for British people so much so that they can insult our intelligence with impunity. It is we who offer hope. Hope to Britons who are fed up with wet toffs and Labour spin merchants.
I wonder how well Searchlight would do if they stopped attempting to subvert democratic process and put up their own candidates.
What the election did show is that UKIP is finished (Hurrah!) and that Cameron is unwelcome outside the M25. Bear shits in woods. Dog bites man. But most of all it was a total vote of no confidence in democracy. That is why we failed. There has been much head scratching. We know we appeal to vast sectors of the electorate but we can't get them out to vote. People now believe more than ever that their vote will do nothing. I fear the time for democracy has passed for the time being. We may have to take the country back by force.
Given the state of the tory party there is every reason to think we have the potential for huge gains. Sadly, half the electorate are stupid sheep and the other half are too jaded to care.
What will it take?
Posted by Peter at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Did I just fall off my chair into the twighlight zone???
Egypt threatens to cut Hamas ties if rockets don't stop
Arabs giving Palestinians good advice...
Posted by Peter at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Blog of the week
"What is Suicide Food? Suicide Food is any depiction of animals that act as though they wish to be consumed. Suicide Food actively participates in or celebrates its own demise. Suicide Food identifies with the oppressor. Suicide Food is a bellwether of our decadent society. Suicide Food says, “Hey! Come on! Eating meat is without any ethical ramifications! See, Mr. Greenjeans? The animals aren’t complaining! So what's your problem?” Suicide Food is not funny."
Posted by Peter at 2:33 PM 0 comments